
Science as the foundation for insight 

Science is believing - if we ignore science, we are driving blind. And young people has to get clever, fast, because we are depending of them. Depending on them becoming great scientists

HAVE FAITH: Science is believing

Science is about facts, and doesn’t give room for beliefs, feelings or opinions. Superstition and religion are the antagonists of the scientific method.

A true scientist is driven by an innate desire to know the truth, and won’t cease until the matter is analyzed and documented, and new indisputable facts about the world has emerged.

Sure, theories, speculations and hypotheses are part of the journey, but at the end of the day, all that survives and ends up in the science articles, are the learnings that are explained, confirmed by others and proven without any doubt. 

Science is you single source of truth, when it comes to getting to understand what is happening in the world around us. And we need to understand - now, more than ever, in order to be able to make the right decisions.


The motives for science research are typically rooted in the following three agendas.

The Holy pursuit. The quest to be enlightened, and the longing for the reward of being allowed to know, and to find reason in it all. And thereby maybe even use this knowledge to find your purpose in life. This is of course also driven by a curiosity and a relentness subbornness of wanting to know, and never giving up.  This is the true cradle of science.

Seeking to learn enough about our world to be able to sustain life, stability and development: This is about our need to understand what is happening to us,  why it’s happening, and what our options are for getting in control of our destiny by influencing the future, and get in front of events (predict what’s to come and maybe even prevent it). This counts for the majority of all science and research being done, and is a prerequisite in a modern society, in order to stay ahead of the game. The knowledge and insight gathered across all science areas, are essential to citizens, schools, companies and politicians alike.  

Entrepreneurship. This motive is driven by a desire to exploit new insight, for economic or other purposes. It is mentioned here, just to explain why some scientific discoveries might exist as of today, but is keep a secret, protected by patents, and not made available to the public. This type of research is typically done by multinational corporations, though more often related to engineering than science - scientists like to publish their results, and be honored for their achievements. 

Regardsless of what the underlying motive is, knowledge is power. Knowledge can be used and misused, can be of general relevance or only minded to be used in very specific, rare circumstances. Luckily all major universities around the globe are continuously working together on important research topics, and share their findings, to the benefit of the rest of the world.

Science deserves to be the center of a religious faith and observance of all people on Earth. 

Because we depend on it. 



Mathematics - where would we be, without it. This is the only language that cannot be used for lying, though often being used as minipulation. But there are no facts without math. There is no insigt without math. And there are no inventions, better livingstandards and better healt and prosperity without math

All sciences are founded on Mathematics as an essential language and tool. To understand the results of science and the extent of its validity, you need to have some understanding of the key concepts. The Math language is straight forward, the rules are strict and nonnegotiable, but still math allows you to extrapolate to a point where the equations really doesn't resemble anything in the real world any longer. So you need to know where to draw the line - between mathematical escapades and applicable practices. And for you to be able to do this, you need to understand how numbers, formulas, calculations, interpretations and knowledge all adds up. Either you get it right, or you get it wrong. There are no two ways about it. 

Physics - most people are ignorant about this science discipline, and yet it is the science of physics that is the foundation of most of what we know about ourselves. Where we came from, what we are made of, where we might be goingt. Time is of the essence, and there is no alternate dimension or afterlife reality that you can hide in. But at least it's all predictable, quantitatively

At the core of the Natural Sciences is Physics. This is the science discipline that gave us Astronomy, Nuclear Power Plants, Planet trajectories and Space travels, Lasers, Electricity and Magnetism and much much more. The quest is to be able to explain all aspects that operates at the core of the physical world that surrounds us - such as space, time and atoms. Physics is the most elusive science of them all, because it tries to explain events and behaviors that, for the most parts, are invisible, and where the theories are based on very advanced math that might give the right results, but still does not offer any explanation that the human mind can intuitively understand.      

Chemistry is all around ud. Each day, you are using the tricks of chemistry, without even knowing it. Chemistry can do good, and it can harm you in so many ways. Heavy metals and other stuff that is not good for you. But it is also the substance of 100% of you. So you better understand the pitfalls

Everything that you have ever seen or touched, originates from some kind of chemical construction or reaction. Chemistry is the science about what materials are made of, and how they react when brought in contact with other materials. Chemistry is the most import science discipline, when it comes to explaining earths history, the evolution of life, flora and fauna, medicine, food production methods etc.   

Notice that the science that explains how a material reacts to different physical stimuli such as heating, pressure, bending, light and radiation belongs to the realm of physics - even through those kinds of reactions might change the chemical composition of the material.       

Evolution - can't avoid it, and would get nowhere without it. A long, long time ago, you lived in the ocean, and there is nothing fishy about that

Biology is close to the heart of all of us - because it is about where we came from, and where we might be going from here. If you are a parent, you will have heard a lot of questions that circles around this topic;

What is life, where did it come from, what are the ancestors of Homo Sapiens, how many types of plants exists, where do they get their energy from, how does insects reproduce. 

Biology is trying to answer all those questions, and is at the same time working on making a catalog of all living organisms - past and present. The objective is to know all that we need to know to sustain life here on earth, to maintain and support the necessary ecosystems and food chains, and to prepare for the right response, if things get out of hand, become unbalanced or if the circumstances for life are challenged.   

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Geology is the tool for companies wanting to exploit the resources that the Earth offers to us. But it is also the science discipline that explains why the Earth looks as it does, and that it didn't always look like that. Even continents move, and lucky for you, nature invented recycling long before you came along

Once upon a time, Asia was connected to North America, Mount Everest didn't exist, and there was no fertile soil to be found on earth - anywhere. Imagine that. Oh - and I almost forgot; there was no Moon either. Geology is the science discipline that provides the timeline for all those events, and can even predict from this knowledge how old rocks, mineral deposits and dinosaur fossils are. Even speculations about historic cataclysmic events such as snowball earth and asteroid hits can be researched and proven by the Geology community. Without geology, we would also have a hard time predicting earthquakes, and foreseeing the magnitude of tsunamis. 

Geosciences typically also encompasses the atmosphere, ozone layer, ocean currents, weather systems etc. - in effect all large scale mechanisms that impacts the evolution of the earth and climate.

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Medicine science is relevant for everybody. Your body cannot choose to ignore the facts and recommendations about how the environment, food, exercise and harmful substances is impacting it, and neither should you. Skin and bones, and then some. A lot is known and understood, but it's what's in the heart that matters. The heart of the Science of Medicine

Body and Soul. Heart and Mind. Life and Death.

Regardless of whether you are focusing on your mental or physical health, you need to understand a lot of things about your body. From your feet to the top of your head, from the surface of your skin and all the way to the core of your DNA, and from the chewing of you food to you intestines digestion and the metabolism inside each of your cells. Nothing can be ignored, and none of the parts are irrelevant. 

Of all the sciences, this is the one that is most important to you, personally. Learning about medicin will not only change your habits when it comes to what you eat and drink. It will change your awareness in general, regarding what you consume, what you apply on your skin, the clothes you wear, and your behavior in general, towards your surroundings and the planet that we are all living on.