

The fabric of space

The science of physics is about understanding what is the underlying cause of what we are experienting in our daily lives. The DNA of every physicist is about wanting to know everything about the inner workings of the Universe, what stuff is made of, and why objects are behaving and reacting the way they are. And the primary tool - and product - of the science of physics, is the scientific theory.  

A scientific theory is something completely different than speculations and imagination. When we say that our theory can explain something, what we mean is that for all we know, the theory matches the observations, and has even shown the strength to be able to predict the outcome of experiments that we haven't done yet. Science is the opposite of Religion. Science will never take upon itself to construct a theory that, for instance, would try to explain the existence of God. Because if the entity in question has no physical representation, and there is no way you can register it, and no possible way of performing experiments on it, it is not of scientific interest.

This is not said in any offensive, or judgemental way. In fact, many scientists are also religious. The point here is, that there are only so many questions that science can help answering. And the rest is something each of us decide ourselves, how to deal with.

It's in the core of everything you know

Physics is probably the most abstract science discipline to grasp, for most people. And if you are one of those people, you might see no reason to spend time getting to know more about this - because you don't see any benefit coming out of that effort.

I'm not one to disagree with you. But I will tell you this; physics lays the foundation for all natural science disciplines, and the physics models and theories that originates from this science discipline establishes the foundation for getting any kind of meaning and insight into the other sciences.

Nothing moves, developes, becomes visible or makes sounds witout strictly following the laws of physics. There would be no earth, no movement, no sounds, no colors, no living creatures, no intelligence, no art, no joy, no love - there would be nothing - without physics.

This may sound strange to you, but it is nevertheless the truth.

religion versus science


Complex numbers and Eulers formula goes hand in hand - when you know where to look

Complex numbers are as central to math as plus, minus, division and multiplication. And most importantly; complex numbers are not a human invention. Complex numbers were brought to life, the day people moved on from only doing counting, and started writing equations .

Models are models, reality is what it is. You need to be able to tell the difference

 Complex numbers are as central to math as plus, minus, division and multiplication. And most importantly; complex numbers are not a human invention. Complex numbers were brought to life, the day people moved on from only doing counting, and started writing equations .

They are nothing but numbers, don't trust them .... necessarilly.

 Complex numbers are as central to math as plus, minus, division and multiplication. And most importantly; complex numbers are not a human invention. Complex numbers were brought to life, the day people moved on from only doing counting, and started writing equations .

@Instagram: istraynot

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